Rule Number 32

Enjoy the little things. ~Zombieland

2023 Reading Goals

I am super glad that 2022 is over… It was a bit of a dumpster fire of a year, but I am taking a deep breath and moving on into 2023. I’m sending all my aspirations and hopes out into the universe that this year will be kinder. And filled with great books! πŸ˜‰


2022 Check In

This was not the year of achieving goals… But they helped to push me and I am still happy with how my habits changed for a large portion of the year! Mental health struggles and too many amazing audiobooks threw a wrench in my plans with these goals.

❌ I missed the goal of reading 120 books for my Goodreads Reading Challenge by only one book with 119 read. So close! (More on those books in my 2022 recap.)

❌ I once again failed at reading books that I own and haven’t read yet. Zero again…! 😳 One of my new goals below should help achieve better results at thinning out my physical TBR pile in 2023. 🀞🏻

βœ”οΈ/❌ I tried super hard to read my ARCs before their publication dates. I was largely successful with this, but a few slipped through the cracks and a couple took me longer to finish than expected. I will definitely continue on with this habit going forward!

βœ”οΈ/❌ I really wanted to write my reviews soon after finishing each book so that I didn’t forget my thoughts and opinions. This goal was most affected by my mental health, and review-writing definitely came in waves – I was really good about it when my brain was doing better, so I am considering this one a mostly-win!

πŸ† Goodreads Reading Challenge: 100 books

With being more picky about which books I read and just reading less in general, I’m setting my goal lower compared to the past few years. I know that I have been enjoyed a lot of podcasts, YouTube videos, Webtoons, and TV the past couple years, so my time will be divided more than when I used to read in most of my free time. I’m hoping a more relaxed goal like this will help even more with my enjoyment of other activities! 😌

πŸ“š Read 15 of the unread books I own

With all the failed attempts at this goal, you would think that I should give up… But I am persistent and will be trying again. I’m hoping the next goal with help me achieve this! 😬

πŸ“– Read 1 chapter per day of a physical book

I have mostly been reading audiobooks the past few years and have hardly read any physical books. I miss curling up with a book on the couch or in bed! Due to my backlog of unread owned books, I am hoping this goal helps with that too. The rules for this one are that I can’t “read ahead” and check off future dates on the calendar & that I have to “catch up” if I miss a day – I currently have a lot of catching up to do…! πŸ›‹

πŸ’» Write reviews within a week after finishing a book

I’m sticking with this same goal from last year but revising it to have a timeline goal. My forgetful brain can definitely use the push to complete reviews within a week! I would also love to do some fun reviews again like I have in the past, like using lots of gifs! ✍🏻


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