Rule Number 32

Enjoy the little things. ~Zombieland

Hunted review

HuntedHunted by Meagan Spooner

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

The magic and mysterious of this novel were what kept drawing me deeper into the story and wanting to know how it would end. The first few chapters were straight up boring – I almost DNFed this. But I’m sure glad that I decided to read a couple more chapters because then it started getting interesting and each chapter added more mystery to what could happen at the end. And what an ending it was! Really beautiful.

The description is what weighed it down – the writing was good enough, but not as amazing as a story full of magic demands. Being a Beauty and the Beast retelling mixed with Russian folklore made this a really interesting read that was definitely entertaining and lovely. I was just left wanting more from the description – I wanted to really see everything in my mind.

The two main characters (the Beauty and the Beast, obviously) were decently developed, with the book being told mostly from Yeva’s perspective, so she had a lot more substance thanks to that. The short looks into the Beast’s perspective became interesting over the course of the book, but I hated them at first. The other characters involved in Yeva’s life were fine, but seemed mostly there to move the plot along and motivate Yeva. Also, Doe-Eyes was one of the best parts of this book.

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